Visual Art

For me, art is exploratory play. Art is processing. It’s identity work that reaches below the layers of language. Art is imagination incarnate, interfacing with the cognitive realm while not being limited by it. It’s visceral, textural, and archival, amplifying socio-political consciousness, while gifting us color, form, and whimsy.    

Engaging with artmaking through each of the abovementioned lenses has led me to work in an eclectic array of mediums including mixed-media sculpture, found object assemblage, cyanotype, encaustic, and more.

My pieces have been featured at St. Louis Artists Guild, Intersect Arts Center, Yeyo Arts Collective, Blank Space, Des Lee Gallery and in The Perch (A Publication for the Yale University Program for Recovery and Community Health).

You can occasionally find me hawking my wares at pop-up markets.