About Me

Kyle Brandt-Lubart, with a big smile and brown hair, holds her hands to either side of her temples, in front of a porch window with soft curtains.

Hi, I’m Kyle (she/they).

I am an integrative therapist, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, community arts organizer, and multidisciplinary maker. 

I was raised in Brooklyn, New York where I grew up surrounded by the vibrant, diverse, multiplicity of humans who infuse the city with color, culture, and complexity. I then spent 8 years living in Oberlin, Ohio — a small town which taught me a wealth of lessons about what it means to live with others in close community. During my time there I began to deepen my personal relationship with creativity through self-directed exploration, discovering the joys of parade float building, taking guitar lessons, and facilitating art and satire writing workshops alongside adults diagnosed with developmental disabilities. Simultaneously, I worked in the service industry and as a group home aide, both of which were formative experiences that challenged and sustained me.

After studying transnational American history, sociology, and psychology in college, the pursuit of further education is what initially brought me to St. Louis. But it didn’t take long for me to realize I felt a deep affinity for this city, and after living here for 10+ years I am proud to call St. Louis home. From 2015-2022 I worked at Places for People, first as a case manager and later as an outpatient therapist, while developing, launching, and coordinating the agency’s community arts program. I live in the Dutchtown neighborhood and am an active participant with Dutchtown Main Streets, while volunteering with other grassroots initiatives. 

My passions lie at the intersection of holistic community wellness and creative expression. The lived experience that society often labels “mental illness”, “disability”, and “addiction” are intimately interwoven into my family history. Connecting with arts-based experiences is instrumental in how I navigate my internal landscape and engage with the complexity of the world around me. Regardless of whether I’m working in a therapeutic context, group facilitation role, or engaging with my creative practices, I’m committed to disrupting hierarchy and honoring the power of authentic collaboration.

Some of the things I enjoy most are exploring new places and ideas, spending time in nature, cooking for people I care about, finding tiny treasures, trying all the condiments, and hanging out with my two goofy cats.

Why Tiny Postcards?

I started using the moniker “Tiny Postcards” in 2015. I love postcards, and find them to be such a unique form of communication. There is a special tenderness that I associate with both sending and receiving postcards. They integrate visual and written elements, while bridging the gap of space and time to offer a spark of connection. Interwoven throughout the varied elements of my work are some of the same components that I think make postcards so special.

I am guided by an orientation towards nurturing tender relational experiences, intermodal processes, and helping folx access opportunities to connect with themselves and others in meaningful, creative ways. And as for the “Tiny” part…my love of tiny things is just so mighty!

But beyond that, I believe the journey of attunement to self, others, and the complex ecosystem in which we exist is largely comprised of micromovements — tiny steps that through patience, support, care, and compassion, can carry us to beautiful, unexpected places.

A pile of tiny postcards, with images and illustrations ranging from vintage to modern.